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1-858-538-2911 and press #
We sell you BRAND NEW Youngevity Vitamins and Minerals at UNDER WHOLESALE, for your Glorious Health !
And, we'll make it easy. LIMITED TIME DISCOUNTS OF 20%-30%.
Also 10% off for Free Shipping, Plus ~10% off because we pay your sales tax. All of our Discounts are Cumulative!
And we award a 100% Forever Guarantee !
Safe website: httpS://DM1.SHOP, also known as: httpS://BTT20.COM and httpS://DM1.US
Made and Run in the USA entirely by Californians. No cookies here.
We're just "Putting a Dent in Disease"(tm)
Our Store Policy
100% Forever Guarantee ! (tm)
It's simple and it's complicated --
but it's not that we're out to make a pile of money.
We're not.
We have three Prime Directives:
1. Never To Hurt; Always To Help,
2. No Secrets,
3. Change All Processes (never people) Until Work Is Fun.
You see, we're here for your health, not for our wealth. We're here to Put a Dent in Disease(tm). That means we don't spam nor telemarket you, and we don't give or sell your private information to anybody, ever, period.
For instance, Youngevity offers a 30 day guarantee. We don't think that's long enough. Ours is 100 Years, or Forever, whichever lasts longer.
After all, you have years of history living in your body, and it might easily take 30-60-90-120 days of repair before you see strong results.
Maybe not. There are scads of HUGE exceptions:
Here's one, Mark, our Iowa friend says we can tell you all about him.
In a few words, he has searched 50 years for something to relieve his
worsening, tearful, arthritis pain.
He found Osteo-fx and it helped. The next day he was 40% better and
after a week he was 90% better. He ran out and the pain returned. A
week after he got some more, he was 95% better. Not typical.
How about me? I play all musical instruments and type; I did until my
hands began freezing up.
In my case, our Flexi-Care fixed them, after six months of therapy only
helped somewhat. But now they're perfect. FlexiCare took a week. I
play all the instruments again! And write books again. Just like new.
By the way, my Physical Therapy Doctor was no slouch. He was the
Doctor who helped Rob Gronkowski return to the gridiron and to Tom
Brady, and to win the Super Bowl 2/7/2021. I watched "G" work out,
twice. Amazing athlete.
I can't claim these cases are typical, but we have scores of such
stories. Just ask.
More typically, you might need longer than 30 days to realize the benefits of Youngevity. So....
... We decided you needed for us to give a FOREVER GUARANTEE.
That's how our famous 100% FOREVER GUARANTEE(tm) became Real. And to our knowledge, it's still unique in our industry. Period. Cutco Knives in another industry has one.
We are not physicians.
Not even physicians are allowed to claim to cure anything!
We don't claim to cure a thing either, but we do something that's better than any such claim could be. We give a 100% Forever Guarantee. No Doctor does that!
One Prominent physician told us that the average medicine works about 50% of the time, and the best ones only about 70% of the time.
If your physician prescribes a treatment that costs you $1,000 or $54,000 and it does not work, do you think anyone will give you your money back?
Really? Even a little bit of it? What about insurance? Does anyone think that insurance companies fail to make tons, literally tons of money from payments? Or that Medicare is a strong source of physician income?
What about those free samples often given off-label by doctors, that use you as a guinea pig? "It's a free sample. Let's see if this works."
Well, we don't prescribe treatments, but we give a 100% FOREVER GUARANTEE(tm) on everything we sell.
Even our books. Even decades into the future! Can you imagine any other author doing that?
Nobody else can afford to do that, because nobody has that kind of confidence in what they sell, or write.
We do!
So frame your receipts and save them on the hallway wall, in case our records perish somehow.
We ONLY sell factory-fresh, factory-direct to you. You won't find us storing something in our toasty/freezy garage for a couple of years hoping to sell it to someone when it's about to expire. Many others do that, but that's just wrong. We store some products, but if they don't sell in a month, we consume them.
It's really hard to go wrong by purchasing here! Really hard!
And as Youngevity's Master Nutritionists, we even consult free at
858-538-2911 from 9-9 Pacific time.
Love to hear from you. We mean it! And if you call, no we won't try to sell stuff to you. That's not yow we roll. We don't even tele-market. You could buy, though, if you wanted. We just want to help, always.
That's the right thing to do.
Oh, about Privacy & Safety
We use computers, of course. We like how we can use them to do better for you. However, we never put your personal data in any computer we own or control. That would be efficient for us, but risky for you.
It would be pretty hard for anyone to hack us. They'd have to burgle our home, get past cameras and an alarm system, and two locked doors, and into a locked file cabinet, all before we shred. They'd look into our hard drives and find nothing.
I think our friendly animals would let them in quietly, though. Not so sure about the rattler. Just kidding; there really is no rattle snake. Imagine if there were ....
There's almost no crime in our quiet neighborhood, and we don't know of a single burglary in the past 25 years. Ever, actually, according to our neighbors.
And we pledge never to let anyone else have your information, period.
We even hired the very most certified computer scientist in the whole USA to be our Chief Internet Security Officer (CISO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO). He's the guy who's leading the fight against hackers in the world.
About Wholesale Inquiries
We only sell at wholesale. Retail is 42+% higher. You buy at wholesale. We do, too.
But, we pay your shipping charges, and where allowed, your sales tax. We're trying to make your health easier.
Amazingly, our family pays considerably more for these products
than you do!
Payment Methods
- Credit / Debit Cards
- PAYPAL protects you the best and is fastest
- Offline Payments
- Wires
- Trades
- Cash
Even cybercoin.
(Some methods take considerably more time)