He was 13 when he discovered it. He could jump back in time few minutes, change local history and come back. Like, he had no longer cut his finger. But, oh it hurt his gut to do that. That power quickly became a private curse and he hid it from everyone.
He graduates and becomes a cop, then quits that to become a CIA field agent for Democria., under a new name of course. What a perfect job for a Two-Timer, as he calls himself. Still, nobody knows.
Carefully trained and about to be posted overseas, he literally runs down a champion skiier while vacationing in Austria. Actually, she runs him down. He crossed a blue line in the snow, and training as a downhill racer, she nearly kills them both in the wild collision. They recover from their iinjuries, but she hates him because his error cost her a trip to the Olympics, where she had a decent chance of medaling Silver.
Back in Democria, she works for his boss, but that Austrian thing was an accident. She works as a Totalian double agent for Democria.
Posted separately to Totalia, nonetheless they begin living together there, unmarried but chastely, as secret, double counterspies. And then, during an attempted mugging, he discovers that she has the same ability!
Their capers in lovely Finland and Sweden keep them one step after discovery and execution, but their abilities keep them alive. A powerful Totalian is courting her, and will no accept 'no' for an answer.
She is working with another extremely high-ranking Totalian who wants to pass back their best secrets of NGAD drones and fighter planes, and ultimately to defect to Democria.
But oh, it gets better, and worse, and better again....
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