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Youngevity DM1 Projoba Pollen Burst 30 Tubes

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Youngevity's Description


Pollen Burst is the world's first energy drink powered by flower pollen. Featuring Vitamin D and the powerful antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD), it helps boost energy levels and fight damage caused by free radical toxins and environmental stresses.


Who it’s for: anyone seeking a natural way to increase energy levels.  


What it does: provides essential nutrients and powerful antioxidants for enhanced energy and protection against cellular damage. 1 


What Sets This Product Apart? 
As stated above, Pollen Burst is the world’s first energy drink powered by flower pollen, with the added benefit of protection against free radical toxins and other environmental stresses. Pollen Burst also stands apart because it provides sustained energy without the crash.  


Main Ingredients/Benefits 



Vitamin A 

An essential vitamin your body needs but

cannot produce, it may help boost energy

levels. 1 

Vitamin B1   

Helps enable the body to use

carbohydrates as energy. It’s also essential

for glucose

metabolism. 2  

Vitamin D 

Helps regulate the amount of calcium and

phosphate in the body, which helps keep

bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. 3  

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) 

One of the body’s primary anti-oxidant

defenses, which plays a critical role in

reducing oxidative stress. 4  

Vitamin B3 

Helps the body break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy. 5 

Pantothenic acid 

Helps the body convert food into energy. 6  

Vitamin D3 

May help improve muscle strength and 

energy levels. 7  

Pollen extract 

May help improve energy levels. 7 


1FASEB Journal, 2010. 

2 U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, 2018. 

3 U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, 2009. 

4 U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, 2002. 

5 University of Maryland Medical Center, 2018. 

Youngevity DM1 Projoba Pollen Burst 30 Tubes

SKU: PJ330
89,04$ Precio
72,99$Precio de oferta
  • Pollen burst is Refreshing, Tasty and very popular.

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