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We sell you BRAND NEW Youngevity Vitamins and Minerals at UNDER WHOLESALE, for your Glorious Health !
And, we'll make it easy. LIMITED TIME DISCOUNTS OF 20%-30%.
Also 10% off for Free Shipping, Plus ~10% off because we pay your sales tax. All of our Discounts are Cumulative!
And we award a 100% Forever Guarantee !
Safe website: httpS://DM1.SHOP, also known as: httpS://BTT20.COM and httpS://DM1.US
Made and Run in the USA entirely by Californians. No cookies here.
We're just "Putting a Dent in Disease"(tm)

Founders' Note
Hi there! So nice to meet you.
We're Master Nutritionists, the Mitchells, and the Machs of San Diego, CA.
We decided to Put a Dent in Disease(tm) in a unique way, so way back in 1999, we founded our Youngevity business for you. Youngevity was called American Longevity back them. Together, we're happy to report to you that we're doing just that, Putting an Dent in Disease(tm).
We thrive on three unique principles for a Christian business:
1. No Secrets, even from our competition, but especially from our customers,
2. Never to Hurt; Always to Help, absolutely everyone,
3. Keep business fun! This means we change processes, never people, until all work is enjoyable.
To that end, we decided to focus on Youngevity's Extreme Quality. They're unquestionably the tops in the vitamin and mineral industry. Some others make claims, but demonstrably, nobody even comes close. We made this decision due to our dedication to You. Nothing but the finest!
We got to be friends with, and to love Dr. Joel Wallach and his marvelous wife, Dr. Ma Lan, founders of Youngevity, Inc. They and we continue to research disease, nutrition, and health, and to write books about those things. We even penned the book, "Getting To Ten" Superlativity in Customer Service, to show our competitors how to improve their stores.
We believe fervently that we save two or three lives per day. No firefighter nor doctor can make such a claim!
It's such a glorious ride.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
David and Carol Mitchell, Robert and Christie Mach, Andrew Mitchell